Technology changes life robots can also help you make clothes

科技改变生活 机器人也能帮你做衣服

Robots are now widely used in industrial production, but the clothing industry still relies on handcrafting. For a large industry like this, this is obviously very inefficient.

But technical experts are also working on it, and inventor Jonathan Zornow is one of them. After years of research, Zornow finally devised their own automated sewing machines people Sewbo.

Technology changes life, robots can also help you make clothes.

The reason why robots are difficult to handle fabrics is mainly because the latter is too soft and difficult to control. In this regard, Sewbo's solution is to temporarily harden the fabric.

Technology changes life, robots can also help you make clothes.

Sewbo uses a water soluble polymer to temporarily increase the strength of the fabric. Once hardened, the robot can handle it more easily. After the production is completed, hot water soaking can wash away the polymer in the fabric.

Technology changes life, robots can also help you make clothes.

In addition, Sewbo is able to master different ways of processing so that manufacturers can use it to create different clothing styles.

Technology changes life, robots can also help you make clothes.

However, Sewbo is still in the prototype stage, and it is still unclear when it will actually be put into use.

Technology changes life, robots can also help you make clothes.

SS Nonwoven Lines

Ss Nonwoven Lines,High Efficiency Making Machine,Automatical Non-Woven Making Machine,Non-Woven Fabric Making Machine

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