Many of the human body's acupuncture points are on the soles of the feet, so you must buy good shoes. Now many people buy fake designer shoes. Actually, the technology inside is not available at all. Real shoes have internal technical content, so those who can't afford it can't afford it. Shoes people do not want to buy imitation, even if the difference in the brand, brand difference does not mean that its technical quality is not good, and imitation of anything is not good, not resistant to, and now understand many people, you wear In the feet of Others to see if it is true or false, why should deceive yourself, false shoes are generally worn foot odor, because leather is not good, airtight. · The old shoes at home are like this to transform big spikes · Old shoes don't stupidly throw away so that the shoes "open" Put a physical insurance on your shoes · How to clean the matte surface of the shoes? · Breathable, antibacterial, deodorizing socks with it to avoid off shoes ·Sports shoes's little tail actually has these 3 functions you certainly don't ·High-heeled shoes audio sound? 4 coups to ease you learn a few ·How to choose shoes during pregnancy? Flat shoes are not safe What should I do if my shoes become moldy ·Wearing these shoes in the summer will hurt you
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