LUCY is the French brand name brand founder Mr.Jin named after his daughter. LUCY brand positioning is from France's women's fashion brand. LUCY's main object of complaint is 25-32-year-old confident independence, the pursuit of quality life fashion upstart. Their pursuit of individuality, advocating color subversion, but also the pursuit of high quality and elegant woman of their own. LUCY is a bright, striking girl in Latin. LUCY creates a happy atmosphere with brightly-leaping colors, appealing in colors and featuring coral red and ocean blue. Coral red will have different shades of color. At the same time, regardless of the blue ocean blue ocean blue, sapphire blue is our main push color. Jumping colors jump because there is black, white, gray, rice, coffee, camels and other neutral color foil. 2010 is a natural year, LUCY's air will not lack the natural atmosphere. LUCY this season there will be more than one set of color choices have surprises, every day can wear a different oneself, this is from Paris, the fashion master LUCY welcome everyone's visit.
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