The story of Dsquared2 starts with the twin brothers Dean and Dan Caten from Canada...
In 1994, the two brothers took the men's wear design to the stage and locked the target: mature, classic and illusionary. In February 2003, we were surprised to see 9 women's wear debut on the Dsquared2 men's show. Do not think that this is a gimmick for designers. Their presence on the stage is even a hint of the designer, because Dean and Dan Caten have been playing for 9 years in the most intense color. It is Dsquared Women 2's dedication to show off sexy as much as they can!
In fact, Dsquared2's men's clothing also attracts many female fans. Prior to the release of women's wear, Madonna had asked the twins to design clothes for her in 2002, and she played with a series of cowboys as the main sprint costume. Now Dsquared2 is exhibiting men's and women's wear in Milan every season. It is not their killer. It is one of the most popular brands in the region, although it is similar to the hardcore and sexy style as early as Dolce & Gabanna, Moschino, Versace, and Roberto. Cavalli and other Italian masters have played well, but the unique charm of Dsquared2 is still not visible.
Dsquared2 this year's new products is to bring its style of men's wear to the fullest!
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